Septic tanks manage and treat waste material from residences and businesses. You should understand your septic tank's design to take care of it properly. Find some interesting facts about septic tanks below.
The Septic Tank Is Just One Part of the Septic System
When people think about septic systems, they mainly consider the septic tank. However, the septic tank system also includes the network of pipes that carry waste material from households or businesses. Any clogs on these pipes compromise the entire septic system.
Also, liquid wastewater from the septic tank flows to the drain field and then leaches into the soil. All these elements work together to ensure the septic system runs smoothly.
The Septic Tank's Pumping Frequency Depends on the Septic Size and Usage Habits
How frequently should homeowners pump their septic tanks? Although the general guideline is every two to three years, you should account for your household size, septic tank size, and usage habits. For instance, a family of four with a 1,000-gallon tank should pump after about 2.6 years. Have a septic tank specialist examine the sludge and scum layer in your system every year.
Septic Tanks Can Contaminate Nearby Water Sources
Leaky or poorly maintained septic tanks can contaminate groundwater. If a well or another water source is near your property, ensure you pump out the septic tank before it overflows. Runoff from the drain field can also contaminate water sources, and you should test well water every year to ensure it is free from pathogens.
Septic Tanks Have a Life Expectancy
One common misconception about septic tanks is that they last forever. On the contrary, septic tanks are not indestructible, and you need to replace yours after several decades. Generally, septic tanks last for 15 to 40 years, depending on the type.
Your system's lifespan mainly depends on the kind of tank you have. Concrete septic tanks are quite durable, while steel models are vulnerable to rust and have a lifespan of 20 years. With proper maintenance, septic tanks last a long time. However, watch out for soggy soil around the tank, which indicates cracks and other damage.
Septic Tanks Can't Treat Everything
Non-biodegradable items inhibit the septic tank's ability to treat waste. Thus, don't flush diapers, tampons, cigarette butts, plastics, sanitary napkins, and paper towels. Septic tank bacteria cannot break down bath oils and struggle to deal with large quantities of cooking fats, baking products, and bleach. Also, fats and oils lead to pipe blockages that interrupt the flow of wastewater.
Drain Cleaners Can Interrupt a Septic Tank's Bacteria Balance
Drain cleaners are popular solutions for clogged drains, but they may hurt your septic system. Most products contain harsh chemicals that kill the beneficial bacteria in septic tanks. The system will be vulnerable to leaks if the septic tank cannot break down solid waste. When you buy drain cleaners, check for septic-safe options.
Septic Tanks Release Toxic Sewer Gases That Can Cause Death
The biological processes in septic tanks release various gases, including methane, hydrogen sulfide, nitrogen dioxide, and ammonia. Such gases can be toxic if anyone inhales the min high concentrations. Possible complications include eye and sore throat irritation, cough, dizziness, pulmonary edema, and loss of consciousness.
Leave septic tank inspection to the professionals who wear special equipment for this purpose. Also, don't ignite flames close to the tank, as it can result in an explosion. If you can smell odors around the septic tank, call a professional to identify the problem.
Understanding your septic tank system is the first step to proper maintenance. The next step is to call our expert team at Southern Sanitary Systems Inc for professional maintenance. Contact us today.
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